Scope without motor

Et commercial kitchen, do not get around having an industrial hood. An industrial hood should be easy to clean and made of stainless steel.

An industrial hood is available in several different versions. You need to find out if you need a hood for wall mounting or for ceiling mounting. Also, find out the size of the scope you need.

If your industrial cooker hood is to be wall-mounted, you typically look at the depth of the cooking utensils you have under the cooker hood. The depth of the scope is then followed by the cookware or possibly 10 cm. further out. Thus has a cooking series of 70 cm. depth, we thus recommend a hood of 70 or 80 cm. depth.

When you buy an industrial hood from us, it has the so-called maze filters. These filters collect grease and are also made of stainless steel. The filters are typically between 50 × 40 and 50 × 50 cm in size and can therefore go into yours industrial dishwasher.

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